Dec 26, 2012

I'm in Finlandia.

I've had a huge secret for weeks.
I surprised everyone yesterday.
Arrived in Finland.
Here for 2 weeks.
It's cold.
I've missed everyone so much.

Dec 24, 2012

Xmas really?

It's actually over in Finland.
And about to start in the US.
I don't feel it.
I got myself xmas presents.
They made me a bit happier.
Here's one.

Dec 23, 2012

Phone gone.

My phone was stolen.
With that so was 400 photos too.
People remember to back up your phones often.
I am bummed.
But I had a great night.
We went everywhere.
Took over the town.
No photos to prove that though.

But exciting things are happening.
Xmas is coming.
Even though I don´t like the holidays at all.
But I´m in sunshine.
And I am the owner of an iphone 5.

Dec 21, 2012


Today should be the end of the world.
I´m still waiting.
It was a bit cloudy this morning, other than that it seems to be just a normal day.
I´m kind of getting ready for the holidays.
I can feel it in the air.
I had a sleepover yesterday.
With this awesome little guy.
My friends son.
Went rollerskating this morning.
Been running around.
The usual.

New awesome streetart in Wynwood.

New hair. What do you mean AGAIN? 

I´m tanned.

Sonny and me at the beach.

The other day Abuelo was at a sleepover and Paloma woke me up really early.

Took the car for service the other day and had a nice snack, it was nice mon.


Dec 19, 2012

These little things.

I started writing this list.
About what I miss.
I was struggling.
It´s not a lot.
I miss my family.
I miss my friends.
That´s about it.

Of course there are these little things.
The iskender kebab at Shine pizzeria on Mechelininkatu.
Estrella chips and ranch dip.
Random nights at Bar Loose.
Mum´s homemade food.

In january.
It´s my birthday.
Our birthday.
And also.
Santa Ana, CA.
Denver, CA.
Dallas, TX (YAY TEXAS!!!)
Austin, TX
New York, NY
Philadelphia, PH.

And now I will leave you with a fun fact.
I used to be her.

Dec 18, 2012


I met some Finns.
Of course I took them to Mac´s Club Deuce.
The oldest bar in Miami Beach.
Today they left.
Felt weird and nice at the same time to interact with people from home.
I´ve never met them before.
But of course.
We had mutual friends.
One word, Finland.

Aw. It was all christmasy in The Deuce. 

This kid is testing my patience. 

Dec 17, 2012

No sleep.

I had the worst night last night.
I don´t know why.
Woke up all the time.
And had two dogs sleeping on top of me.
I was drenched in sweat.
I guess my longing for home is on the growth.
Can it be because of the holidays?

By the way.
Last night I got my favourite bands new album.
Will blast it off today.
Disco Ensemble.

Dec 16, 2012

Luh dat shit.

I have been having these gigantic storms of creativity.
Just haven´t had an idea of where to send them.
Then after this conversation with my friend.
We realised we could work together and create something.
Mix it up.
Bring in a finnish touch.
Finnish it 
(and this is a sentence I hear a lot by the way) !
My mission for when I have time off here and there is to increase consciousness of finnish culture.
Starting by small baby steps.
It might be in Miami.
It might be in LA.
If you have any ideas, don´t hesitate to contact me.
In the mean time, listen to The Goat & The Occasional Others.
They were on tour with us.
And I just love this song.

I moved.

So I did the radical decision of writing in English.
Times change.
I tried out the swedish and the finnish way.
It just didn´t work out.
So get used to it.

I also switched from wordpress to blogspot.
(usannikki.wordpress went to usannikki.blogspot)
I never really got why I chose wordpress.
It just sucks.
I couldn´t make it look like me.

So here we go.
Hopefully everyone followed me here.