Feb 1, 2013

It´s cold.

I should be used to weather like this.
But it´s freezing.
And what´s up with them selling shorts and summer clothes in the stores?
I couldn´t find a sweater yesterday.
I´m feeling so lazy.
Bagel love. 

Met my dear australian friend Elliott yesterday. 

Me and Elliott met in Bali about 2 years ago. 
He moved to Finland for about 6 months. 
And now he has been here in NYC for 6 months. 
But he is going home on Monday. 
And I´ll probably see him in Melbourne soon. 
It´s amazing how you meet people and reunite in different parts of the world, 
And Elliott has become a very dear friend to me, when we see each other it´s like we´ve never been apart.

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