Feb 4, 2013


So looks like I'm not going home to Miami for a long time.
Staying in NYC for a while now.
What had happened during the last 4 days.
Hm a lil bit of this.
A lil bit of that.
Well let the pics tell the story.
In the last days I...

Went to a party in Brooklyn and saw my friends band, the amazing Avanlava. 
Click for the music video Sisters. 

They had beer kegs and red cups. Someone suggested I should do a keg stand.
How overly American.
 And I did not do it, I guess that time already passed for me. 

I got my bangs cut, not convinced yet. 

I wen´t on a carousel with the NYC family. EEEEK. 

Ain´t nobody got time for that. Over and Over and Over again.
Oh sweet brown.

Thought about the struggles of artistic people, and weirdly found this in my wallet. 

Watched the Super Bowl halftime show and the most beautiful woman in the world, Queen-B Beyonce.

Spent a lot of time admiring my views and slept with the drapes open.
Turned around at 7 am and took this shot from window nr.1.

Looked out the window all the time and sighed, this shot from window nr.2.

Spent time with amazing people, drinking beer.
And instead of taking pictures of them I took a selfie in the bathroom.
How selfish.

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