Dec 24, 2013

Happy Holidays.

Unordinary Christmas. 
I have done many of them. 
And I like them.
Last year this day was spent on a plane. 
To Finland. 
For a surprise visit. 
Now my family was here. 
I woke up at 7 am. 
Day nr 2 of doing morning yoga on the beach.
Then we all went to the beach. 
Including dogs. 
It was a beautiful day.
I ran errands. 
Later we made dinner together. 
And enjoyed each others company. 
All in all a good day. 
Tomorrow will be even better as I will spend a few hours on a plane. 
And spend about 10 days in the beautiful country of Mexico. 


Everyone needs a little xmas Elvis. 

1 comment:

John said...

The holidays are just superb......
John Phanchalad at JP Digital Tech have a very good track record in digital media marketing. To follow John you can visit on