Jun 4, 2013

It´s a hectic life.

Yesterday I flew back.
Landed 4pm.
Went to pick up the babies.
3 dogs.
Ran some errands.
Dropped dead in the bed.
Woke up in the morning stressed out.
I knew I had a lot of things to take care of.
Including flights for tomorrow.
So yes, I came home to do some laundry.
Tomorrow off to Atlanta.
There for a couple of days.
And then... tihihih.
I´ll let you know.
No flights booked yet.
But I´m pretty sure I´m going back, back to Cali, Cali.

There´s a scratch on the car and I got stopped by this latino guy and his granddad.
They said "$100 and we´ll fix that scratch here and now".
And the two other scratches too.
I was like sure.
10 minutes and they were done.
I had been wanting to take the car to a shop for a long time.
Well how convenient.

I´m bummed.
I will miss Fleetwood Mac in Ft Lauderdale on Saturday.

Today I ran into a friend of mine randomly.
And now I just finished packing.
So I will go and have a well deserved beer.
In good company.

How has your day been?

My hairdresser was titled my "Miami mum" today.
Apparently we look a like.
And she said "ANNIKA, you look exhausted and you sound like it too"
I admitted, yes it is true.

4th of JULY is coming, are you ready!
I´ll be in Europe :( 
I love my boyfriend. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heyy sis.. ska testa om de toimar nu..

Sitter på oslo flygfält..och är trött.. sku flyga tidigt från helsinki men första blev cancelerad. . Så nu har ja sutti i hesa 3timmar o nu i oslo 2.. snart flyg ti bodö, norra norge..där e ja vi midnatt..sen på hotell o vila o på moron flyger ja lite söderut ti sandnessjön.. trött e man... Förstår int du orkar flyga så mycket.. men ha de bra så snakkes vi ;-)